Friday, January 22, 2010

YaVaughnie Wilkins and Charles Phillips Billboard Puzzles Manhattanites

A billboard featuring an apparently happy couple - YaVaughnie Wilkins and Charles Phillips (Oracle's president) - has popped up in a few places around the country, including Times Square in New York and in Atlanta and San Francisco. Apparently, all of this was orchestrated by Wilkins, who claims to have been Phillips' mistress for eight and a half years.

When YaVaughnie Wilkins learned that Charles Phillips was ending the relationship and was reconciling with his wife Karen Phillips, she decided to get even by spending a boatload of money (reportedly close to $250,000) to create and display these billboards, as well as develop the website According to the New York Post, "eight years' worth of photos of the pair canoodling around the world, dating to 2001." At this time, images on the website are not displaying, either due to a traffic overload or intentional removal.

The publicity has forced Phillips to admit the affair, saying in a statement "I had an eight and a half year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins... My divorce proceedings began in 2008... The relationship with Ms Wilkins has since ended and we both wish each other well."

Charles Phillips also serves as an advisor to President Obama, to whom in some photos he bears a striking resemblance. Phillips is a member of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

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