Saturday, January 30, 2010

Greg Oden Leaked Photos Are Available, and Photos Are Better Than Oden's Basketball Career

Greg Oden leaked photos are available, and Greg Oden leaked photos are better than Oden's basketball career. Don't get me wrong, Oden is a good basketball player but the thing I will remember him for (and I am sure I am not alone) are the leaked photos that surfaced on The Greg Oden leaked photos involve the basketball star standing in front of a mirror, naked, and taking photos of himself. They weren't taken by someone else - the entire situation is pretty much his own doing.
He sent his photos to a lady friend, who grew angry with him for one reason or another and leaked the photos. This is reason number 476 why you shouldn't take nude pictures of yourself, send them to someone, and then expect that there be no consequence to your action in the future.

Of course, the photos are fully nude and expose Greg Oden's entire "package" and for that reason, it's not possible to link directly to them from this post (hey - I don't want to be responsible for some 13 year old kid clicking on a link and getting exposed to a long, get the point.)

Currently, Greg Oden is injured and is on the bench. The man that was expected to be one of the NBA greats has fizzled, and the leaked photo scandal may be the most press that he will receive for quite some time.

Typically, these scandals happen to women. A woman will be "vulnerable" and "in love" and will expose her ta-ta's or her other lady parts in cell phone pics to significant others. Then, somewhere down the road the "gentleman" will "leak" the pictures. Oh - and she's the innocent victim. She shows up on Oprah, cries a bit and talks about how it was the "worst experience" of her life and how she "learned her lesson" and will "never take nude photos again."

A man can't follow that defense pattern. Greg Oden won't get any sympathy for his leaked photos. Everyone will look at him and tell him that he should have known better and that he should have kept it in his pants. I know it's a double standard, but that's just the way things are.

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