Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lady Gaga Dead

LATES NEWS UP DATE Lady Gaga Dead Britney Spears Lady Gaga A new ad from an Irish radio station shows a dead body under the headline “Britney Spears Lady Gaga”. the the word “spears” is intended as an action. Though I’m not at all a Lady Gaga fan, the trouble with this kind of marketing is that, while it gets your attention, it tells you what the station is not, rather than what it is. In this instant information age not being something is no longer enough. (via Ads of the World)Bits of bacon are like the fairy dust of the food community. At least, they are when you see the world through comedian Jim Gaffigan’s eyes.lady-gaga-dead

And through him, you can also see how the apostles must’ve looked like a homeless football team. How a snooze button is a good way to start your day off with a little procrastination. How you need to take a nap halfway through a Cinnabon. How Jesus might have actually been a bad carpenter. And how moving a futon is like moving an 800-pound taco full of hatred.

Then there’s the whole Hot Pockets bit, when Gaffigan pokes fun at the boiling lava-hot Pop-Tart full of nasty meat and its three-note jingle. It’s all part of Gaffigan’s dead-on look at the mundane-but-true, and what has him selling out show after show all over the country.

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