Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Massachusetts election today

Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown votes in Wrentham, Massachusetts. Brown is running against Democratic candidate Martha Coakley in a bid for Edward Kennedy’s Senate seat.  Robert F Bukaty/AP
Thanks to everyone who volunteered for or donated to Scott Brown’s campaign in Massachusetts.

Today is the big day.

Remember, ACORN and other left-wing groups can only steal an election if it’s close. If Brown wins by even 2%, it is probably not close enough to steal and probably not close enough for absentee ballots to change.

So if you’re a registered voter in the Bay State and you believe we are suffering under a Democratic Party tyranny – even if you’re not an avid conservative or Republican – I urge you to get out there and vote for Scott Brown. A Brown win will leave the Democrats with 59 votes in the Senate. If they can’t get even one Republican to go along with a given bill, it’s hard to imagine that it’s a bill which a majority of independent voters would support.

It’s not as if this election will give GOP control over anything. It will simply prevent Democrats from being able to continue to utterly ignore the will of the people. How hard could it be for Harry Reid to have an idea just good enough to get one, just one, Republican vote?

A vote for Brown is a vote against tyranny.

I don’t know what time we’ll have results in the race, but I’ll post some thoughts fairly early tomorrow as soon as there’s some news.

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