Monday, March 22, 2010

MSNBC: Bart Stupak Called ‘Baby Killer’ By GOP Rep On House Floor

stupak on house floor.jpgSo, somebody apparently yelled "Baby Killer" at pro-life Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak while he spoke against the anti-abortion amendment he proposed to the

health care bill. Now the world wonders: Who is this heroic Baby Killer Guy? Bart Stupak is of course one of the millions of things that threatened to derail the

health care bill via his Stupak Amendment, which would have proposed super tight restrictions on health care coverage of abortions. Obama convinced him to change his mind, and his fellow Pro-lifers were angry. "Baby Killer"-level angry. Luke Russert reported on MSNBC that the brave legislator who shouted this during Stupak's speech in favor of health care reform sounded "like he had a southern accent."Now, Max Blumenthal, author of Republican Gommorah tweets that he hears it was California Republican George Radanovich who shouted the words that should rally a new generation to greatness. And so does at least one Wikipedian:

During the final moments of the Health Care debate, there was another bizarre incident in the House, very much like when Republican Congressman Joe Wilson yelled at President Obama "You Lie!". While Democrat Representative Bart Stupak, who is one of the the most prominent Democratic pro-lifers, was speaking, a Republican representative yelled at him "baby killer."

This is quite ironic, as Mr. Stupak was against the bill up until 4pm this afternoon, because he didn't think that it was pro-life enough. He ended up striking a deal with the President and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi hours before the final vote.

There is no word as to who was the Republican Congressional member who made this comment, but we are sure this will be making big news shortly.

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