Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Joe Biden F-Bomb Video:Joe Biden Gaffes

Joe Biden's F-bomb gaffe on live TV (Source: Reuters)
Joe Biden F-Bomb Video:Joe Biden Gaffes – Joe Biden F-Bomb/Joe Biden Gaffes video can be found here.

Vice President Joe Biden who was maybe too excited at the signing of Obama’s health care reform accidentally dropped an F-bomb on live television while congratulating

the president. Biden turned to Obama and said:The White House is not too upset at Biden’s comment seeing that the Press Secretary Robert Gibbs just tweeted:So I'm plowing through emails this evening and notice that even though he doesn't have any real ties to Houston, the Joe Biden f bomb has been the subject line of more than a few messages.
If you somehow missed it, while President Obama was signing that new health care bill into law this morning, Vice President Biden was caught muttering, "This is a big [expletive] deal." I suppose there are things more shocking than finding out Biden cusses, but I can't think of too many that are more entertaining. Scratch that. I can think of one for sure.
The Bayou City Art Festival is this weekend. Houston's award-winning outdoor art gallery is a juried fine art event that boasts 300 acclaimed artists in 17 media formats from throughout the U.S. and the world. It was ranked the #3 Festival in the U.S. by the readers of AmericanStyle Magazine in 2009, and it happens right in your backyard.A microphone picked up Joe Biden telling US president Barack Obama that his signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Bill was "a big f_____g deal" during a live national news broadcast.
Biden made the remark moments after introducing Obama at the signing of the controversial bill on Tuesday and may not have realised that his voice was being picked up by the podium microphone.
In response Robert Gibbs, the Whitehouse Press Secretary later Tweeted: "And yes Mr Vice President, you're right."
Senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett said that Biden's loose talk was "part of what makes the vice president so endearing...We wouldn't change him one bit."
Former Senate colleague Lindsey Graham said, "If there were no gaffes, there'd be no Joe. He's someone you can't help but like."
This is not the first time Biden has been caught using the F-word. He used it when speaking to another senator last year, also into an open microphone.

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