Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Joe Biden f bomb blows up in his face--what a surprise

First, it shouldn't be much of a surprise that Biden got himself in

trouble shooting off his hair-trigger mouth. The list of his gaffes will make a find CD one day. First, the idea of an off-the-cuff comment like that having an

Anglo-Saxonism being shocking at all is ridiculous. Who are we trying to protect? I heard language like that in junior high school. One suspects that some conservatives will use this "cultural values issue" to put a shadow over the health care reform signing. There was similar exploitation of the Timberland-Jackson wardrobe malfunction.

Second, the proliferation of microphones, post 9/11 cameras and cell phones means smaller and smaller zones of privacy. Perhaps the only thing more embarrassing then someone putting you on YouTube is looking back on something you put on their years ago. With the ability to copy and download, there is no longer a "memory hole".oe Biden F-Bomb Video:Joe Biden Gaffes – Joe Biden F-Bomb/Joe Biden Gaffes video can be found here.
Vice President Joe Biden who was maybe too excited at the signing of Obama’s health care reform accidentally dropped an F-bomb on live television while congratulating the president. Biden turned to Obama and said:So I'm plowing through emails this evening and notice that even though he doesn't have any real ties to Houston, the Joe Biden f bomb has been the subject line of more than a few messages.

If you somehow missed it, while President Obama was signing that new health care bill into law this morning, Vice President Biden was caught muttering, "This is a big [expletive] deal." I suppose there are things more shocking than finding out Biden cusses, but I can't think of too many that are more entertaining. Scratch that. I can think of one for sure.

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