Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Obama proposes substantial jump in aid to Pakistan

US President Barack Obama has proposed a USD 3.2 billion assistance for Pakistan for fiscal 2011, a substantial jump in American aid to that country.

Noting that Pakistan is a key country in the war against extremism, the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Jacob Lew, said the budget focuses on improving basic infrastructure which will enable civilian government to provide better services to the people of Pakistan.

"This is key to improving stability and will also provide the military the tools needed to wage an effective counterterrorist campaign. For Fiscal 2011, funding for Pakistan is USD 3.2 billion," he said, adding that in 2010 it has been USD 1.88 billion.

"For Pakistan, the Budget also increases security assistance and funds a new signature energy project," the White House said in a fact sheet adding the budget expands the number of civilian personnel in Afghanistan and Pakistan in an effort to build government capacity, increase diplomatic engagement, manage expanded assistance programmes, and reduce the potential for fraud and misuse of American funding.

Obama has proposed USD 1.2 billion for the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund as against USD 700 million in 2009.

Increase in aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan is to revitalise economic development and confront the resurgence of the Taliban, the White House said.

"The FY 2011 Budget provides USD 5.3 billion for Afghanistan and USD 3.3 billion for Pakistan for State and USAID activities, including increases in economic assistance and funding to continue a "surge" in civilian staff begun in the 2009 Supplemental request," a senior Administration official said.

"The 2011 Budget provides ongoing support, logistics and security for the existing US Missions in Afghanistan and Pakistan and includes funding for 500 additional civilian staff in Afghanistan and 90 additional civilian staff in Pakistan in order to execute the Administration's Strategy," he said.

"These amounts do not include funding from DOD, DEA, and other agencies that will be used to support President Obama's new strategy," the official said.

Obama's 2011 request also includes USD 11.6 billion to train and equip the Afghan security forces, USD 1.5 billion to build the capabilities of Pakistan's security sector, and funding to support the additional troops that the President has approved for Afghanistan, the Administration official said.

Noting that approximately USD 70 billion is already enacted for US military operations in Afghanistan in 2010; the administration official said Obama is seeking an additional USD 32 billion to cover the costs of the additional 30,000 troops and training of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in 2010.

"The President is seeking approximately USD 113 billion for US military operations in Afghanistan in 2011 including funding for training of ANSF," the Administration official said.

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